There are expressions that just stick, especially when they come from a lover. When my husband Iohann announced, from the bottom of the stairs mind you, that I was Passive aggressive de luxe, I absolutely lost it. I fired back that I’d put that on a t-shirt if I could. And well now my first ones are slated for production!
Passive aggressive, really, but lux, that’s obvious! Being a fan of the soft t-shirt materials from C’est Parfait! From my friend Isabelle Racicot, I asked her to help me develop my products. I’m so proud to tell you that today, that quick quip from my love has now been immortalized! I keep my promises!
In the moment, I was also tempted to print out something else on a t-shirt. Aimer d’amour unites the women of my generation who are passionate and complete. The expression that is part of our language is just as predominant in music as it is in literature.
Because I’m an all-or-nothing kind of type A, I also created phone cases (iPhone and Android) with these two messages. To all those in the world who identity as passive aggressively lux and romantic can now pick up the new collection signed Mitsou Boutique.
On sale on Mitsou Boutique and