Do you know the journalist and activist Elizabeth Plank? She is definitely worth your attention. Born in Quebec, she now lives in New York City and was named one of the top 30 under 30 in Media by Forbes Magazine.
This wonderfully animated and ambitious woman began as an intern at the then unknown where she co-founded #FliptheScript an award-winning video series that in the first season received over 43 million views! She knows how to get people’s attention and get her message across by using humorous tactics like asking men to draw vaginas and taping herself “manspreading” on the subway.
This savvy feminist has made talking about politics fun. On a mission to use her powerful voice for good, she began the viral campaign #AllMenCan and is often invited to discuss hot topics around social injustice on news programs including Tout le monde en parle, The Today Show, MSNBC and The Daily Show.
Her fearless and outspoken reporting is so effective that she was chosen by to produce #2016ish and act as correspondent to Donald Trump’s campaign to an audience of over 40 million. She very candidly shared some entertaining backstage stories about meeting the fiery Republican candidate, and our own very popular feminist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

I did the interview in English with subtitles with a hint of French (of course!) so that those of you from Quebec, and Elizabeth’s American fans, can enjoy the video.
Good news of the week: I decided to invest in an English version of my site in order to seize the opportunities that present themselves. Thank you in advance for being my allies! If you have any English friends in Canada, or on the other side of the border, let them know about, and I will be eternally grateful! You are my best agents to share this amazing news.
I begin a series today of three of my favorites from C2 Montreal, a gathering of the best creators and innovators from around the world held this month in Montreal. I am a fan of this annual conference that helps us think about issues differently. Follow my encounters with singer and activist David Usher who presented an absolutely staggering project, and AJ Paron-Wildes who is helping those with autism through her very important work in design. She will make you rethink your workplace, I’m sure!