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AJ Paron-Wildes: how to improve your workspace

How do you like your office set-up? How is your work/life balance? AJ Paron-Wildes is a pioneer in the field of interior design and has some big ideas about how to improve your workspace.

As National Architecture and Design Manager at the multi-million dollar company Allsteel, a company focused on sustainability, AJ has been leading a team spear-heading this new mentality in design. A coveted speaker she has been seen on shows including HGTV, spoken at HATCH festivals and written a trilogy of books on designing spaces for people with autism. I think you will love her ideas, and her story!

At 15 months old, AJ’s son was diagnosed with autism. Through her experience redesigning her home to help her son, AJ has learned that not only do children with autism have special needs, but so does each individual.  Why should an office be designed with a one-size-fits-all mentality?  If children with autism are calmed by neutral colours, how can a redesign of the workplace create an environment that promotes health & wellness for all?  How can design help people achieve better work/life balance?  We are working more hours in the day than ever, so why not reflect that in your office design, both at home and at work?

AJ has a ton of ideas that will make your office space more functional, with less wasted space and more multi-functional areas.

She already spoke four times at C2 Montreal and this year, I couldn’t take it anymore: I immediately called my partners to say, “We need to change our office design!”. I was so persuaded by her brilliant new ideas and moved by her personal story. You can watch her speak here:

Speaking of the individual’s needs, do you know the journalist and activist Elizabeth Plank?  This amazing young woman has found a new way to talk about social injustice and politics by making you laugh.  Check out my interview here.

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AJ Paron-Wildes: how to improve your workspace